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11 October 2024

Thank you for your commitment, Alla Savchuk!

Recognition Alla Savchuk 11 Oct 2024

Today we are taking a moment to recognize our own Alla Savchuk for consistently going above and beyond any job description with attention to detail, proactivity and unwavering optimism - under rocket fire, on the move or “just” in the lab.
Your dedication, team spirit and hard work make everything better.
Thank you for your commitment!

15 September 2024

We are excited to welcome a new addition to the team!

New addition Dr Bracha Shraibman 15 Sept

Dr. Bracha Shraibman joins ExoProTher as production and process development team lead.
With over 12 years of combined academic and industrial experience, including Principal Scientist at Lonza, Bracha has led a broad range of innovative drug development projects.
Join us in wishing Bracha best of success!

8 September 2024

Exciting milestone for ExoProTher!

New space 8 Sept 2024

September marks a significant moment for us as we move into our brand-new facility, complete with cutting-edge lab space and a cozy home for the team.
Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has supported us over the past few months, and especially:
- The amazing #ColabSquare mentor team, Jaron Breitman and Salit Tzaban, who are always there to support, share knowledge, learnings and contacts without ever holding back
- The Mivne Group | קבוצת מבנה team who made it happen and who became our hosts more than landlords
- בני מ.שהואן for your commitment to the quality of construction that has brought our new space to life
- Alma Haberfeld for your design solutions that perfectly align with our needs
This new facility is not just a space; it is a celebration of our vision, resilience and commitment to innovation.
We look forward to welcoming many collaborators and friends to our new location and continuing on the exciting journey of novel drug development!

Follow our ongoing developments on our LinkedIn page.

#NewBeginnings #Innovation #Collaboration #ThankYou #Cancertherapeutics #biopharma #nanoparticles

16 August 2024

Envision is in operation at ExoProTher! Israel's first third-generation NTA machine from Hyperion Analytical is up and running.

Unpacked and Running 16 Aug 2024

Thanks to the clever design and dedicated training by Hyperion Analytical LLC team, even at most unconventional of hours, the new Envision is up and running.
Thank you Duncan Griffiths, William Schroeder, Ph.D., Serina Erxleben -
our batch testing just got so much smoother!

#cancerresearch #biopharma #oncology #biotechnology

Follow our LinkedIn Page for more exciting updates!

15 July 2024

ExoProTher eagerly awaits the State-of-the-Art Envision NTA Machine from HYPERION ANALYTICAL

Exoprother linkedin_Device post RR

We are excited to share that the brand-new, and Israel's first, Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) machine of this kind – Envision from Hyperion Analytical LLC, is on the way to ExoProTher’s labs.
The Envision will significantly enhance our analytical capabilities and data reliability.
Our investment in the HYPERION NTA Envision underscores our commitment to pioneering science and best quality data behind the development of p53 replacement therapy for oncology indications.

Follow our LinkedIn Page for more updates!

#nanoparticletrackinganalysis #innovation #p53replacementtherapy #biotechnology #oncology

8 July 2024

Exciting News! ExoProTher is breaking ground

Exoprother linkedin_Facility construction post RR

We are thrilled to announce that ExoProTher has signed a long term lease agreement for almost 200 square meters of space for our new facility! This will feature expanded state-of-the-art labs, providing us with our own dedicated area to drive innovation and excellence.

Our new facilities are in close proximity to the prestigious Technion campus, fostering collaboration and growth within a vibrant biotech community. This move is made possible through our partnership with the exceptional MIVNE team.

Construction has already begun, and we can't wait to share more updates with you as we make progress. Stay tuned for more exciting developments!

#ExoProTher #Innovation #NewBeginnings #MIVNE #StateOfTheArt #Labs #Expansion #Partnership #Oncologytherapeutics #R&D #Biopharma #Growth

2 May 2024

The 19th International p53 Workshop is upon us

Exoprother p53 post Meet us there

Meet with our scientific team and attend our exciting poster presentation “Fate and function of p53 containing nanovesicles in cancer cells in-vitro and in-vivo“

#p53 #cancertherapeutics #cancerresearch

1 May 2024

May is Brain Cancer Awareness Month!

Exoprother linkedin_Brain tumor awareness day post RR

#cancertherapy #p53 #braincancer #cancerresearch

30 April 2024

ExoProTher is on the move!

Exoprother linkedin_team pic pos

We are excited to announce that, after three years, we are bidding farewell to the wonderful Colab Square facility (and family) at Yokneam, as we embark on a new chapter at a new location.

Following emergency relocation of our production lab from the northern border following October 7th events, the team was dispersed, operating from temporary location. Still, we maintained business as usual.

This move signifies a significant milestone for us, representing more than just a change of address - it symbolizes company resilience, growth and development to new heights.

This transition is a testament to the dedication and hard work of every member of our team, who have now come together in the new space and are excited to continue developing our unique approach to cancer therapy.

Follow us and stay tuned for more exciting updates.

20 November 2023

Yesterday we moved one of our labs.

Moved our labs November 2023

Located meters from the border with Lebanon, it is not safe to work in these days. It was quite an operation, and yet took just a couple of days. Within these days we reached out to many people; some of them we knew before, some came into the picture through long chains of referrals. EVERYONE was trying to help, offering their contacts, resources, creative temporary solutions, free help – you name it.

We are very grateful to you all - Ilan Karmon, Sagie Goldenberg, Moti Hirsh Meir, Nir Adler, Michal Zilberman, doron preminger, Omer Miller, Haim Goltsman, Ilia Smotritch, Jacob Zankel, Andrey Levit, Igal Ben Hassin, Hanoch Zaurbach, Ophir Bitton, Dalia Salah, and many others.

Within days we will resume operation at the new location. We continue with our mission – for better life, for longer life, for life!

6 September 2023

September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

Sept is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month 2023

​Ovarian cancer is the most lethal gynecologic malignancy and the fifth leading cause of cancer death in women in the United States.

Drug resistance has been a major issue in ovarian cancer. Multiple studies have shown association of TP53 mutations with resistance to currently available therapies.

Previous p53 therapeutics have demonstrated limited clinical success to date.
With our unique nano-particles based p53 replacement therapy approach and promising results, ExoProTher is working relentlessly to develop a novel, safe and effective therapeutic option for ovarian cancer patients.

#ovariancancer #cancer #biopharma #therapeutics #p53

8 August 2023

Featured article on NoCamels

Featured article on NoCamels 8 Aug 2023

ExoProTher's groundbreaking approach to cancer treatment has gained well-deserved recognition with a featured article on NoCamels, a leading source of Israeli innovative technology and science news. Titled "Revolutionary Protein-Based Cancer Drug Targets Tumors Without Harming Healthy Cells," the article highlights ExoProTher's achievement in developing a protein-based cancer drug that demonstrates an exceptional ability to selectively target cancerous cells while sparing healthy ones.

The featured interview with Lana Volokh, CEO and Alex Tendler, CTO of ExoProTher’s presents our unique approach to cancer therapy.

The article further highlights ExoProTher's commitment to revolutionizing cancer therapy and impacting cancer patients' lives.

19 April 2023


ExoProTher at AACR ANNUAL MEETING 2023 19 April 2023

ExoProTher's CTO Presents Breakthrough Finding on Chicken p53 Efficacy Against Human Cancers
Orlando, Florida — April 19, 2023 — Dr. Alex Tendler, Chief Technology Officer of ExoProTher Medical, participated in the AACR Annual Meeting 2023 that took place in Orlando, Florida. Dr. Tendler unveiled a scientific poster summarizing a year of progress in research and development.

The highlight of the presentation was ExoProTher's groundbreaking discovery: the efficacy of chicken p53 in combating human cancer. This result holds immense promise for innovative therapies and advances our understanding of cancer mechanisms. Presented results showcased successful outcomes across a variety of human cancer cell line in vitro, including GBM, colon, ovarian, and lung cancers.

"Our presence at AACR reaffirms ExoProTher's commitment to pushing medical boundaries," said Dr. Tendler. "The potential of chicken p53 in human cancer cells opens new doors in our fight against cancer."
Engaging with thought leaders across various fields, ExoProTher harnessed the AACR Annual Meeting to enrich its perspective and fuel future research endeavors.

8 January 2023

ExoProTher at JP Morgan Healthcare Conference Week

ExoProTher at JP Morgan Healthcare Conference Week 8 Jan 2023

ExoProTher takes part in JP Morgan week in San Francisco as part of Israeli Health Innovation Delegation organized by California Israel Chamber of Commerce (CICC).

4 January 2023

ExoProTher Podcast - Outcomes Rocket

ExoProTher Podcast - OutcomesRocket 4 Jan 2023

The origin of our anti-cancer treatment - ExoProTher Medical on OutcomesRocket

30 seconds about the origin of our anti-cancer treatment.

18 December 2022

Research Grant

Research Grant 18 Dec 2022

ExoProTher is awarded a research grant and starting an exciting new collaboration with Dr. Mizied Falah

26 September 2022

ExoProTher CTO Pitch San Diego

ExoProTher CTO Pitch San Diego 26 Sep 2022

ExoProTher Medical : CTO Dr. Alex Tendler : Latest updates
Rosh-HaShanah : San Diego

Hosted by #Shay Wail

Video of the event:

31 December 2021

Israel Biotech Fund

Israel Biotech Fund 31 Dec 2021

We are excited to step into 2022 together with IBF

Proud to be part of exclusive portfolio of innovative #lifesciences companies.
This funding accelerates the path towards clinical stage of our first-in-class biotherapy targeting cancers with p53 mutations.

We are on mission to bring cure to cancer patients.

12 December 2021

Virtual MedInvest Oncology Investor Conference

MedInvest Oncology Investor Conference 12 Dec 2021

This week ExoProTher Medical presented at the virtual MedInvest Oncology Investor Conference. ExoProTher’s Chief Executive Officer, Lana Volokh, delivered the corporate overview. She described the Company’s unique scientific foundation and technology and provided an update on program status. ExoProTher aims to significantly impact the way cancer is treated.

Link to the presentation recording:

6 October 2021

PAT-ICRS workshop

PAT-ICRS workshop 6 Oct 2021

Presenting our latest results at the PAT-ICRS workshop.

Link to the presentation recording at:

8 July 2021

In lab Investors event

In lab Investors event 8 July 2021

Investors event in our R&D Lab at Colab square Yokneam, taking a glimpse into the digital microscope along with markers on milestones achieved.

23 June 2021

New R&D lab at Colab Square Facility, Yokneam

New R&D lab at Colab Square Facility Yokneam 23 June 2021

Beginning May 2021, ExoProTher is operating a new R&D lab situated at unique Colab Square facility in Yokneam Industrial park. ExoProTher is joining a line of exciting and promising biotech companies.

The combination of location, equipment and environment allow to boost R&D activities and attract top talent to the expanding team.

16 June 2021

2021 Virtual World Stem Cell Summit

World Stem Cell Summit 16 June

ExoProTher Medical - Co-founder & CEO Dr. Lana Volokh at the 2021 Virtual World Stem Cell Summit
hosted by channelchek

17 May 2021

SEV2021 Annual Meeting

Sev2021 Annual Meeting 17 May 2021

SEV2021 Annual Meeting

ExoProTher's scientific abstract reporting our recent preclinical results at the Annual Meeting of International Society for Extracellular Vesicles.

10 March 2021

Magische kugel against cancer

Magische kugel against cancer 10 Mar 2021

"Magic bullet against cancer"

Short Communication - Journal of Molecular Oncology Research (2021) Volume 5, Issue 2

6 January 2021

New media coverage - Globes article featuring ExoProTher

Globes article featuring ExoProTher 6 Jan 2021

ExoProTher article in Israeli business daily the "Globes".

Hebrew article by Globes' biomed reporter, Gali Weinreb.

5 January 2021

Startup World Cup

Startup World Cup 5 Jan 2021

ExoProTher is honored to be selected among top ten Israeli companies in the largest startup competition in the world - Startup World Cup.

Best regards,

Lana Volokh - CEO

12 November 2020

ExoProTher milestone achieved

ExoProTher Milestone Achieved 12 Nov 2020

I am pleased to share with our followers and investors the latest in vivo results.​

Two weeks ago, a successful in vivo experiment on mouse model of colon cancer ended with impressive results. Life span of treated mice was significantly prolonged after single dose of Exo, while 25% of them remained tumor-free after the experiment completion.

Additional in vivo studies using other cancer models are in progress.

Best regards,

Lana Volokh - CEO

12 September 2020

New Recruits and Additional Facility

New recruits and additional facility 12 Sep 2020

Exciting growth period for ExoProTher Medical: we opened a new laboratory facility and brought on board new talent.

The new laboratory started functioning in Shlomi, Israel. It will focus on optimizing production and characterization of EXO_ compounds.

With extended R&D team, we continue to broaden and deepen our research capabilities.

26 February 2020

SoCal Startup Day

SoCal Startup Day #2 26 Feb 2020

Velocity on the rise not only in our labs.

Great boost coming from amazing crowd engagement in the SoCal startup event.

26 February 2020

SoCal Startup Day

SoCal Startup Day 26 Feb 2020

We are excited to attend the SoCal Startup Day and present our development.
Come see our quick-fire presentation as part of the start-up competition and visit us at booth #22 to learn more about our unique approach.

5 February 2020

@Tel Aviv Stock Exchange

Tel Aviv Stock Exchange 5 Feb 2020

ExitValley and Eternity Capital investors event at the Tel-Aviv stock exchange.

12 December 2019

Call For Action 12 Dec 2019

ExoProTher VP Business Development update and call for action.

9 December 2019

ExitValley's Campaign

ExitValley's Campaign 9 Dec 2019

About a week into the campaign and the traction is high,

More than 100% of initial funding target.

2 December 2019

ExitValley's Investors meeting

ExitValley's Investors Meeting 2 Dec

What a great event to be part of – first ExitValley’s Investors meeting!

Dr. Alex Tendler, co-founder and CTO of ExoProTher Medical, presented our unique concept and its outstanding potential to the very interested audience.

​Excellent traction, ExoProTher Medical launched the crowdfunding campaign using ExitValley platform.

It is super cool to see first investment after less than 12 hours. Amazing start.

31 August 2019

TheMarker's OncoTalk publication

TheMarkers OncoTalk publication 31 Aug 2019

TheMarker's OncoTalk publication
Harness evolution to fight cancer

OncoTalk's brief - exposing ExoProTher innovative approach

31 July 2019

ExoProTher founders' interview

ExoProTher Founders Interview 31 Jul 2019

View this interview to learn more about Exosomes fighting cancer.

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